Memory Bug Perhaps?
I am a bit unsure exactly what the bug is beyond just having the texture array overwrite into invalid memory in this video.

But, my current theory is that I might be messing with stack memory somehow with the new code I added today (which doesn't make sense since when I was going to overflow the stack, the compiler let me know and it hasn't atm so idk but I don't fully trust the compiler so yea). The more likely culprit is that all these allocations that I have done over teh course of the game's lifespan thus far have been very "just in the ballpark" so that might be biting me now since the game has a pretty significant amount of allocations and of course code that's running when compared to earlier builds. So I guess in other words, when making a large project, it appears that these kinds of bugs appear "naturally" and are technically "avoidable" but we're all human and make mistakes so I guess the only thing you can do is be really experienced and just not make the many mistakes I probably made.

Also note that I haven't confirmed the bug yet as I don't have time left today but do plan on fixing asap when I get time again (Thursday).

Thanks for reading and have a nice day / play my game and let me know your thoughts on the currently playable build please & thank you!!!


Funmi_Zip.7z 2.4 MB
Oct 24, 2021

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